Holy Basil, Ocimum tenuiflorum, for Treatment of Diabetic Neuropathy
Brenna Hendrick
American College of Healthcare Sciences
RES 501
Dr. Santiago Lorenzo
Thesis Statement: Holy Basil, Ocimum tenuiflorum, reduces complications of neuropathy associated with diabetes.
Purpose Statement: The purpose of this study is to assess whether Holy Basil, Ocimum tenuiflorum, reduces complications of neuropathy associated with diabetes.
The effectiveness of herbal remedies as an alternative to conventional medicine for treating diabetic symptoms is a growing area of interest worldwide. For people with diabetes, the cost of conventional medicine and associated side effects can be a heavy burden. The plant Holy Basil has primary evidence supporting and denying antidiabetic properties. The purpose of this study was to assess whether Holy Basil, Ocimum tenuiflorum, reduced complications of neuropathy associated with diabetes. Ocimum tenuiflorum's potential to lessen the detrimental implications of diabetic neuropathy was evaluated through reading and assessing primary and secondary peer-reviewed scholarly journal articles. Peer-reviewed journal articles were primarily accessed through PubMed and the American College of Health Care Sciences University's library database. In vivo and in-vitro studies were assessed in detail. The majority of the in vivo studies looked at the pre-treatment and post-treatment fasting blood glucose levels after treatment with Ocimum tenuiflorum. Ocimum tenuiflorum’s effect on HbA1c was researched to infer if glycemic variations in hemoglobin occurred over time. To determine if Ocumum tenuiflorum prevented converting starches to sugars, an in vitro assay assessed alpha-glucosidase and alpha-amylase inhibition. The results show that Ocimum tenuiflorum's ability to reduce complications of diabetic neuropathy is dependent on the dosage and extraction method.
The purpose of this study is to assess if Holy Basil, Ocimum tenuiflorum, can reduce complications of diabetic neuropathy. In the early stages of diabetes, neuropathy impacts 7.5% of people, and after 25 years, this number increases to 25-50% (Bansal et al., 2006). Diabetes has increased from 108 million individuals in 1980 to 422 million in 2014 (World Health Organization, 2021). This volume of diabetics results in around 20–30 million people experiencing complications from diabetic neuropathy, and unfortunately, this statistic is expected to double in size by 2030 (Bayram et al., 2016). Neuropathy is described as peripheral nerve dysfunction. Diabetic neuropathy is the leading cause of non-traumatic hospital amputations and is generally associated with pain, tingling/numbing sensations, and weakness (Bansal et al., 2006). A critical aspect of reducing complications of diabetic neuropathy is control of blood glucose levels, as it's been shown that with tight glucose control, there is a greater than 50% reduction in diabetic neuropathy (Bayram et al., 2016). Another aspect is the reduction of HbA1c levels, as reducing HbA1c levels could lessen the complications associated with diabetic neuropathy (Su et al., 2018). In addition, the inhibition of α-amylase and α glucoside is an aspect of reducing complications of diabetic neuropathy because these enzymes convert starch to sugars, and inhibition can lower the chances of getting diabetes (Poovitha, S., & Parani, M. 2016).
Ocimum tenuiflorum is also called Ocimum tenuiflorum, Ocimum sanctum, Ocimum sanctum, Tulsi, and Holy Basil. Throughout this paper, the plant is referred to as Ocimum tenuiflorum. This plant is an annual in the Lamiaceae family. It is native to India and is found in many temples, households, and gardens (Rai et al., 1997). Ocimum tenuiflorum has been used for over 3,000 years in ayurvedic medicine and, within the last decade, has been the subject of more than one hundred research articles (Jamshidi & Cohen, 2017). It has been evaluated to treat earaches, skin disorders, relieve cold symptoms, and reduce blood glucose levels (Gupta et al., 2006). The research presented within this paper focuses on Ocimum tenuiflorum's potential to lower blood glucose levels, lessen HbA1c levels, and inhibit α-amylase and α-glucoside, as these actions could lessen symptoms of neuropathy for people with diabetes. The purpose of this study is to assess whether Holy Basil, Ocimum tenuiflorum, reduces complications of neuropathy associated with diabetes.
A search criterion was developed to evaluate Ocimum tenuiflorums potential to reduce complications of diabetic neuropathy. This criterion was to obtain and assess both primary and secondary peer-reviewed scholarly journal articles. Peer-reviewed journal articles were accessed through PubMed. A couple of the research articles from PubMed had citations of interest and were sourced through the University's library database and the World Health Organization.
For primary resources, the aim was to find in vivo studies that administered Ocimum tenuiflorum. The selection criteria were broad and included finding various in vivo models to evaluate the effectiveness of hypoglycemic actions by Ocimum tenuiflorum on different species. In vivo models included vertebrates, humans, rabbits, and rats. Assessing the required dosage of plant material to produce antihyperglycemic effects was also sought out in the search. Rats administered 125mg/kg to 500mg/kg Ocimum tenuiflorum per body weight were analyzed (Mousavi et al. 2020). Rabbits were studied after ingesting Ocimum tenuiflorum at 2g/day (Sethi et al. 2004) and humans at a 5ml daily concentration (Devra et al. 2012). To evaluate if the menstruum impacts results, the methods of herbal intake were taken into consideration. Studies that tested with oil, methanol, and aqueous extracts were researched.
For secondary studies, the aim was to find literature reviews on the prevalence and complications associated with diabetic neuropathy. The criteria for a literature review was a recognized source or a peer-reviewed journal article. References from peer-reviewed journal articles were spot-checked for accuracy. Many of the articles spot-checked became a reference if applicable to evaluating Ocimum tenuiflorums potential to reduce complications of diabetic neuropathy.
PBM's Hospital Diabetes Care & Research Centre provided one hundred randomly selected individuals for Devra et al. (2012) to conduct a clinical evaluation on Ocimum tenuiflorum. Part of the study evaluated the impact of Ocimum tenuiflorum on fasting blood glucose levels. Another part observed glycemic variations in hemoglobin over a duration of time by HbA1c measurements. All individuals were patients, and all were above forty years old. The study participants were separated into two groups, a control group and a study group. The control group did not receive treatment of Ocimum tenuiflorum, and the study group self-administered 5ml aqueous extracts of Ocimum tenuiflorum with water every morning and evening for 3 months. The study occurred in one place, so the geographical and climate conditions were the same for participants. The participants were also encouraged to follow a similar lifestyle and diet. The method of monitoring blood glucose was evaluated by the glucose oxidase method with stat fax 3300. Baseline assessments for fasting blood glucose levels were taken before the study group began self-administering the twice-daily 5ml of Ocimum tenuiflorum. These blood glucose level assessments were re-evaluated after the three months of self-administration. In the group of individuals treated with Ocimum tenuiflorum, the mean fasting blood sugar had a pre-treatment mean of 209.26mg/dl, which dropped to 155.28mg/dl after treatment (Devra et al., 2012). The control group that did not take Ocimum tenuiflorum had an initial mean of 203.06mg/dl and a post-treatment mean of 202.52mg/dl (Devra et al., 2012). HbA1c was measured by an ion exchange resin method with an HbA1c kit. In the group of individuals treated with Ocimum tenuiflorum, HbA1c had a pre-treatment mean of 8.82%, which dropped to 0.89% after treatment (Devra et al., 2012). The control group that did not take Ocimum tenuiflorum showed an initial mean of 8.83% and a post-treatment mean of 7.93% (Devra et al., 2012). The results for blood glucose are displayed in Table 1, and the results for HbA1c are shown in Table 2.
Table 1: The control and study groups' blood glucose levels, Devra et al. (2012) results.
Group Pre-treatment blood glucose Post-treatment blood glucose
Control Group 203.06mg/dl 202.52mg/dl
Test Group 209.26mg/dl 155.28mg/dl
Table 2: The control and study groups' HbA1c levels, Devra et al. (2012) results.
Group Pre-treatment HbA1c Post-treatment HbA1c
Control Group 8.83% 7.93%
Test Group 8.82% 0.89%
Sethi et al. (2004) conducted a study on albino rabbits to evaluate if Ocimum tenuiflorum impacted blood glucose levels. Rabbits of both genders with a weight range of 1.5 – 2.5kg were used in the study. The rabbits were kept in similar conditions and fed the same general diet. A control group of twenty rabbits maintained a regular diet for thirty days. A test group of twenty rabbits had 2g of fresh Ocimum tenuiflorum leaves added to their diet daily for the thirty days. Blood was drawn from the central ear vein to test for blood glucose on the first and thirtieth day. Blood glucose levels were similar on the first day, with a 150.55 + 17.94 mmol/I level in the control group and 150.07 + 17.85 mmol/I in the test group (Sethi et al., 2004). On the thirtieth day, there was a 26% decrease in blood glucose observed in the group of rabbits that ingested Ocimum tenuiflorum (Sethi et al., 2004). The blood glucose level in the control group on day 30 was 148.80 + 19.02mmol/I in the control group and 110.00 + 17.25mmol/I in the test group (Sethi et al., 2004). The results of the rabbits' blood glucose levels are summarized in Table 3.
Table 3: Blood Glucose levels of Rabbits with or without Ocimum tenuiflorum (Seithi et al., 2004).
Group Blood Glucose Day 1 Blood Glucose Day 30
Control group 150.55 + 17.94mmol/I 148.80 + 19.02mmol/I
Test group 150.07 + 17.85mmol/I 110.00 + 17.25mmol/I
A study published in the journal of Plant Food Nutrition by Rai et al. (1997) observed the plant Ocimum tenuiflorum and how it impacted the blood sugar levels of normal and diabetic rats. Ocimum tenuiflorum was bought fresh, dried between paper for 48-72 hours, then heated for one hour at 50̊C. The dried Ocimum tenuiflorum was ground into a powder. A restricted random sampling procedure was followed to separate the rats into four groups. The four groups of rats weighed between 120g and 140g and followed a basal diet for 30 days. Group one was fed a basal diet with no additions. Group two was fed a basal diet with 1% of Ocimum tenuiflorum added. Group three was injected with alloxan to induce diabetes and fed a basal diet without Ocimum tenuiflorum. Group four was injected with alloxan and followed a basal diet for 15 days, and then switched to a basal diet with 1% Ocimum tenuiflorum for 15 days. After the 30th day of the study, the rats were deprived of food overnight, killed, and then blood was collected for measurement. The fasting blood glucose levels were quantitated by following Hultman's procedure (Hultman, E., 1959). The basal control group one had a reading of 70.1 ± 8.0mg/dl, this value compared to the results from group two, the rats fed a basal diet with the addition of 1% Ocimum tenuiflorum, which had a reading of 74.3 ± 8.0mg/dl (Rai et al., 1997). Group three was the diabetic control and had a reading of 398.1 ± 9.6mg/dl (Rai et al., 1997). The diabetic rats in group four, fed a basal diet for 15 days and then introduced 1% Ocimum tenuiflorum for the second half of the study, had a blood glucose reading of 172.0 ± 50.0mg/dl (Rai et al., 1997). The rats' blood glucose data is outlined in Table 4.
Table 4: Blood Glucose levels of Normal and Diabetic Rats with or without Ocimum tenuiflorum (Rai et al., 1997).
Group Diet Blood Glucose after study
Group 1: Non-diabetic rats: Basal Diet for 30 days = 70.1 +/- 8.0mg/dl
Group 2: Non-diabetic rats: Basal Diet with 1% Ocimum tenuiflorum for 30 days = 74.3 +/- 8.0mg/dl
Group 3: Diabetic rats: Basal Diet for 30 days = 398.1 +/- 9.6mg/dl
Group 4: Diabetic rats: Basal Diet for 15 days then basal diet with 1% Ocimum tenuiflorum for 15 days = 172.0 +/- 50.0mg/dl
To evaluate Ocimum tenuiflorum potential to treat hyperglycemia, Arenal et al. (2012) conducted an in vivo study on vertebrates using aqueous extracts of the plant material. The extracts were prepared by boiling 120g of fresh leaf material in 1L of water for 15 minutes. Juvenile male tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, weighing 46.6g ± 4.8g, were kept in controlled laboratory conditions. The fish were kept in aerated water that maintained a temperature of 27̊C ±2̊C. Tanks were filled with glucose at 50g/L, and four groups of seven Oreochromis niloticus were observed. A single group remained a control and did not enter the glucose concentrated tank. The other three groups were placed in the glucose-concentrated tank for thirty minutes. After thirty minutes, one group of seven fish was injected with insulin, another group was injected with Ocimum tenuiflorum at 200 mg/L, and another group remained in freshwater without treatment. After one hour, blood was drawn to quantitate the glucose level present in various groups of the vertebrates. Glucose present was evaluated through the glucose oxidase method. The control group of fish that did not spend time in a glucose-concentrated tank had a blood glucose value of 3.54 ± 0.55mmol/L (Arenal et al., 2012). These results were comparable to the fish injected with insulin with a blood glucose value of 3.11 ± 0.58mmol/L and the group injected with Ocimum tenuiflorum with a blood glucose value of 3.26 +/- 0.55mmol/L (Arenal et al. 2012). The fish not injected with insulin or Ocimum tenuiflorum had a blood glucose value of 5.39 +/- 1.18mmol/L (Arenal et al., 2012). This test was completed at various concentrations of Ocimum tenuiflorum. Treatment of less than 80 mg/L did not show a significant reduction in blood glucose levels with a blood glucose value of 4.51 +/- 0.34mmol/L (Arenal et al., 2012). This blood glucose data is displayed in Table 5.
Table 5: The control and study groups' blood glucose levels, Arenal et al. (2012) results.
Blood Glucose levels
Control Group no treatment
5.39 +/- 1.18mmol/L
Group injected with insulin
3.11 +/- 0.58mmol/L
Ocimum tenuiflorum 200 mg/L
3.26 +/- 0.55mmol/L
Ocimum tenuiflorum 80 mg/L
4.51 +/- 0.34mmol/L
Mousavi et al. researched the use of Ocimum tenuiflorum for hyperglycemic control with an in vivo and in vitro study. The in vivo portion of the study looked at rats' blood glucose levels before and after treatment with Ocimum tenuiflorum. The in vitro portion of the study looked at alpha-glucosidase inhibitory action, alpha-amylase inhibitory action, and insulin levels. The plants were identified and harvested in Malaysia, and the research was conducted at the Universiti Sains Malaysia. The plants were washed with tap water, rinsed with distilled water, and placed in the freezer for three days. After the freezing cycle, the dried plants were kept in a vacuum-sealed container at 4̊C until analysis. A maceration method at 40-60̊C was used to prepare the plant for extraction. Each extraction used 200g of macerated Ocimum tenuiflorum, which was filtered through 11µm Whatman paper. The methanol extracts were dried in a 40̊C oven until the solvents had evaporated off. Male rats weighing between 250-300g were injected with 55mg/kg b.w. Streptozotocin reconstituted in a 0.1mol/L citrate buffer after fasting overnight. Streptozotocin is a glucosamine-nitrosourea compound used to induce diabetes (Graham et al., 2011). After three days, the rats' blood glucose levels were measured by cutting a slit in their tails and using a glucometer to provide blood glucose values. The diabetic rats had a blood glucose level above 15mmol/L. Methanol extracts of Ocimum tenuiflorum were administered to the rats at 125mg/kg, 250mg/kg, and 500mg/kg. The blood glucose levels of the rats that were administered extracts of Ocimum tenuiflorum were compared to those administered metformin. The control groups were diabetic rats with no treatment or not diabetic. Treatment with 500mg/kg of Ocimum tenuiflorum showed a significant reduction in blood glucose levels with similar antihyperglycemic results as a dosage of 500mg/kg of metformin (Mousavi et al., 2020). Alpha-glucoside inhibitory activity was evaluated through an in vitro α-glucosidase inhibition assay. The in vitro α-glucosidase inhibition assay followed a method by Apostolidis et al. (2006) with minor modifications by Mousavi et al. (2020). A dose dependent response was observed between 6.25mg/ml and 100mg/ml (Mousavi et al., 2020). At 100mg/ml, there was 38% α-glucosidase inhibition, while at 6.25mg/ml, there was 9% α-glucosidase inhibition (Mousavi et al., 2020). The traditional diabetic drug acarbose had 21% α-glucosidase inhibition at 6.25mg/ml and showed 68% α-glucosidase inhibition at 100mg/ml (Mousavi et al., 2020). The α-amylase inhibitory activity was measured following an in vitro α-amylase inhibition assay. The α-amylase inhibition assay followed Apostolidis et al. (2006) method with minor modifications by Mousavi et al. (2020). The α-amylase inhibition also showed a dose-dependent response (Mousavi et al., 2020). For the rats treated with methanol extracts of Ocimum tenuiflorum, the range of inhibition was 7% at 6.25mg/ml and 41% at 100mg/ml. The traditional diabetic drug acarbose had a range of 6% α-amylase inhibition at 6.25mg/ml to 34% α-amylase inhibition at 100mg/ml. Insulin was measured from 3ml of blood taken by cardiac puncture from anesthetized rats. A commercial ELISA kit was used to obtain the values. A significant change in insulin levels was not observed (Mousavi et al., 2020).
Table 6: Ocimum tenuiflorum compared to acarbose, α-glucosidase inhibition and α-amylase inhibition Mousavi et al. (2020) results.
Group α-glucosidase inhibition α-amylase inhibition
6.35mg/ml Ocimum tenuiflorum 9% 7%
100mg/ml Ocimum tenuiflorum 38% 41%
6.35mg/ml acarbose 21% 6%
100mg/ml acarbose 68% 34%
Gupta et al. (2005) researched the impact of oil extracted Ocimum tenuiflorum on the blood glucose levels of diabetic rabbits. The research was conducted in India. Fresh plant material was harvested, and a botanist confirmed the identity of the plant. The plant material was broken apart and cold extracted with petroleum ether for 3 days. After the ether evaporated off, the plant material and petroleum were filtered. The extract was stored in amber bottles and measured to have a 22% w/v of plant material/petroleum. All of the diabetic rabbits weighed 1-1.5kg and were all albino males. After an overnight fast, the rabbits were injected with alloxan at 80mg/kg to induce diabetes. After induction with alloxan, the rabbits' blood glucose was monitored for 30 days. Rabbits with a blood glucose reading greater than 120mg/dl were classified as diabetic. The rabbits were split into three groups. Group one was non-diabetic rabbits, group two was diabetic rabbits, and group three was diabetic rabbits treated with Ocimum tenuiflorum for two weeks at a dose of 0.8g/kg/day. After determining fasting blood glucose levels, glucose was administered to the rabbits at 2g/kg body weight. Blood samples were taken after 1 and 2 hours. Group 1 had fasting blood glucose values of 80mg/dl ± 5mg/dl (Gupta et al., 2006). After 1 hour of being administered glucose, the blood glucose values for the non-diabetic rabbits were 120mg/dl ± 8mg/dl, and after 2 hours were 78mg/dl ± 4 mg/dl (Gupta et al., 2006). Group 1 had this test repeated at the 2-week time point, and the fasting blood glucose levels were 82mg/dl ± 6mg/dl; after 1 hour, the values were 125mg/dl ± 5mg/dl, and after 2 hours the non-diabetic groups' values were 80mg/dl ± 6 mg/dl (Gupta et al., 2006). Group 2 had a fasting blood glucose level of 140mg/dl ± 8mg/dl (Gupta et al., 2006). After 1 hour of being administered glucose, the blood glucose levels of the diabetic rats were 240mg/dl ± 10mg/dl, and after 2 hours, this value was 160mg/dl ± 5mg/dl (Gupta et al., 2006). When group 2 had this test repeated at the 2-week time point, the fasting blood glucose levels were 145mg/dl ± 6mg/dl, after1 hour of having glucose, these values were 260mg/dl ± 9mg/dl, and after 2 hours the values were 168mg/dl ± 7 mg/dl (Gupta et al., 2006). Group 3, treated with 0.8g/kg/day of oil extracted Ocimum tenuiflorum, had an initial fasting blood glucose level of 138mg/dl ± 5mg/dl (Gupta et al., 2006). After 1 hour of being administered glucose, the blood glucose levels of the rabbits treated were 270mg/dl ± 9mg/dl, and after 2 hours, these values were 170mg/dl ± 7 mg/dl (Gupta et al., 2006). When group 3 had this test repeated at the 2-week time point, the fasting blood glucose levels were 140mg/dl ± 7mg/dl (Gupta et al., 2006). After 1 hour of having glucose, the blood glucose level was 280mg/dl ± 5mg/dl, and after 2 hours, these levels were 165mg/dl ± 9 mg/dl (Gupta et al., 2006). See results summarized in Table 7.
Table 7: Oil Extracts of Ocimum tenuiflorum and its Impact on Rabbits Gupta et al. (2006) results.
Group Fasting blood glucose 1 hour after eating glucose 2 hours after eating glucose
Group 1
Non-diabetic Rabbits Initial value: 80mg/dl ± 5mg/dl
2-week value: 82mg/dl ± 6mg/dl Initial value:
120mg/dl ± 8mg/dl
2-week value:
125mg/dl ± 5mg/dl Initial value:
78mg/dl ± 4mg/dl
2-week value:
80mg/dl ± 6mg/dl
Group 2
Diabetic Rabbits Initial value: 140mg/dl ± 8mg/dl
2-week value:
145mg/dl ± 6mg/dl Initial value:
240mg/dl ± 10mg/dl
2-week value:
260mg/dl ± 9mg/dl Initial value:
160mg/dl ± 5mg/dl
2-week value:
168mg/dl ± 7mg/dl
Group 3
Diabetic Rabbits administered Ocimum tenuiflorum. Initial value:
138mg/dl ± 5mg/dl
2-week value: 140mg/dl ± 7mg/dl Initial value:
270mg/dl ± 9mg/dl
2-week value:
280mg/dl ± 5mg/dl Initial value
170mg/dl ± 7mg/dl
2-week value:
165mg/dl ± 9mg/dl
The purpose of this study is to assess whether Holy Basil, Ocimum tenuiflorum, reduces complications of neuropathy associated with diabetes. Primary research was analyzed to determine if Ocimum tenuiflorum has antidiabetic properties that could be considered a treatment option for diabetic neuropathy. An aspect of reducing these complications is control of blood glucose levels, as it's been shown that with tight glucose control, there is a greater than 50% reduction in diabetic neuropathy (Bayram et al., 2016). Reduction in HbA1c is also under evaluation as clinical strategies to reduce HbA1c could reduce complications of diabetic neuropathy (Su et al., 2018). In addition, inhibition of α-amylase and α glucoside were observed because these enzymes convert starch to sugars, and inhibition can lower the chances of getting diabetes (Sundar, P., & Parani, M. 2016). The results show that Ocimum tenuiflorum's antihyperglycemic actions are dependent on the dosage and extraction method. More research needs to be evaluated regarding the inhibition of α-amylase and α-glucoside.
Mousavi et al.'s (2020) findings show that Ocimum tenuiflorum's ability to reduce blood glucose levels is dose-dependent (Mousavi et al., 2020). A clinical evaluation by Devra et al. (2012) had success demonstrating a drop in blood glucose levels administering 5ml of Ocimum tenuiflorum every evening and night for 3 months. A study on rabbits by Sethi et al. (2004) showed lower blood glucose values with 2g of Ocimum tenuiflorum added to the rabbits' diet for 30 days. An experiment on rats by Mousavi et al. (2020) had blood glucose levels drop at 500mg/kg (Mousavi et al., 2020). An evaluation by Rai et al. (1997) on rats added 1% Ocimum tenuiflorum to the diet for 15 days and saw reduced blood glucose levels, but the reduction was not to the level of the control group (Rai et al., 1997). Arenal et al. (2012) experimented with different dosages of Ocimum tenuiflorum, and their data support Mousavi et al.'s (2020) finding. Arenal et al. (2012) found no significant reduction in blood glucose levels at a lower dose of 80mg/L, and at 200mg/L, a statistically significant decrease in blood glucose was demonstrated (Arenal et al., 2012). Gupta et al. (2005) administered 0.8g/kg/day, a greater value than during Mousavi et al.'s (2020) study, and showed that Ocimum tenuiflorum did not significantly reduce blood glucose levels. A difference between Gupta et al. (2005) and Mousavi et al. (2020) that could explain the variation in results is the method of extraction. Mousavi et al. (2020) experimented with a methanol extract, and Gupta et al. (2005) experimented with an oil extract.
A limitation in Gupta et al.'s (2005) study is that the researchers did not look at more than one type of oil extract; they only looked at petroleum extracts at 22% w/v of plant material/petroleum. Would Ocimum tenuiflorum reduce complications of neuropathy associated with diabetes with a different type of oil extract? A literature review did not yield additional studies to answer this question; however, different extraction methods have shown antidiabetic properties. Devra et al. (2012) showed a significant reduction in blood glucose levels and HbA1c with an aqueous extract of Ocimum tenuiflorum (Devra et al., 2012). Sethi et al. (2004) used fresh leaves and demonstrated a statistically significant reduction in blood glucose levels (Seith et al. 2004). Mousavi et al. (2020) used a methanol extract and saw a decrease in blood glucose values (Mousavi et al. 2020). Rai et al. (1997) showed a reduction of blood glucose in the diabetic rats' after administering dried powdered Ocimum tenuiflorum for 15 days (Rai et al. 1997). Data suggest dosage and extraction method impact Ocimum tenuiflorums ability to reduce complications of diabetic neuropathy.
In addition to measuring blood glucose levels, Mousavi et al. (2020) looked at α-amylase and α-glucoside inhibition. Since these enzymes are responsible for converting starches to sugars, inhibition can also lower post-meal hyperglycemia (Sundar, P., & Parani, M. 2016). The results were evaluated at two doses and compared to the traditional diabetic drug acarbose. The α-amylase inhibition of Ocimum tenuiflorum exceeded that of the conventional diabetic drug acarbose (Mousavi et al. 2020). However, the traditional diabetic medication demonstrated a greater α-glucoside inhibition than Ocimum tenuiflorum (Mousavi et al., 2020). Of interest is if the α-glucoside inhibition of Ocimum tenuiflorum would exceed acarbose at a higher dosage. Further research evaluating if these results are repeatable with different extraction types other than methanol and species other than rabbits is essential to understanding Ocimum tenuiflorums potential to reduce complications of neuropathy that people with diabetes experience.
The purpose of this study was to assess whether Holy Basil, Ocimum tenuiflorum, reduces complications of neuropathy associated with diabetes. Evaluating primary and secondary peer-reviewed scholarly journal articles demonstrates that Ocimum tenuiflorum could be considered a therapeutic remedy for diabetic neuropathy complications. However, this therapeutic behavior is dose-dependent and possibly extract-dependent.
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