Dandelion is researched for its hepatic actions. Studies have shown that dandelion extracts exhibit hepatoprotective actions by improving liver function and supporting detoxification. A study by González-Castejón et al. (2012) on rats showed that dandelion lowered oxidative stress in liver tissue. Another study by Choi et al. (2013) showed that dandelion root had hepatoprotective actions by modulating liver enzymes and lowering lipid accumulation in mice that had liver disease. Dandelion demonstrates hepatoprotective therapeutic actions towards liver-related disorders.
Common name: Dandelion
Family name: Compositae
Latin name: Taraxacum officinale
Actions: Diuretic, choleretic, mild laxative, antirheumatic (Mills & Bones, 2010). Hepatic (American College of Health Care Science, 2023)
Constituents: Germacranolide, sesquiterpene lactones, triterpenes, phytosterols, flavonoids, potassium, taraxalisin (Mills & Bones, 2010).
Contraindications/Safety: Cation is advised if gallstones are present. Avoid if known sensitivity to members of the Compositae family. Some research dandelion could increase the half-life of some medications (Mills & Bones, 2010).
Common name: Echinacea leaf
Family name: Asteraceae
Latin name: Echinacea angustifolia
Actions: Immune modulating, immune enhancing, depurative, anti-inflammatory, vulnerary, lymphatic and sialagogue (Mills and Bones, 2010). Antiseptic and antimicrobial (American College of Health Care Sciences, 2023).
Constituents: Polysaccharides, caffeic acid derivatives, and lipophilic compounds such as alkylamines and polyacetylenes (Mills and Bones, 2010).
Contraindications/Safety: Contraindicated in individuals taking immunosuppressant medications (such as transplant patients). Safe in pregnancy (Category A for pregnancy) compatible with breastfeeding (Mills and Bones, 2010).
Common name: Tulsi, Holy Basil
Latin name: Ocimum tenuiflorum
Family name: Lamiaceae
Actions: Glucose regulation (Gardener & McGufflin, 2013). Broad spectrum anti-microbial, adaptogen, tonic, anxiolytic, and anti-depressant properties (Cohen, 2014).
Constituents: Phytochemicals eugenol, rosmarinic acid, apigenin, myretenal, luteolin, β-sitosterol, and carnosic acid. Flavanoids, orintin, and vicenin (Baliga et al., 2013).
Contraindications/Safety: None known, not advised for use in pregnancy (Gardener & McGuffin, 2013).
Liver tonic Tisane
Goal: To act as a liver tonic
Therapeutic action(s): Hepatic
Constituent(s) needed to achieve the desired therapeutic action(s): Germacranolide, sesquiterpene lactones, triterpenes, phytosterols, flavonoids, potassium, taraxalisin
Extract type: Tisane
28 grams Dandelion root
14 grams Tulsi
7 grams Echinacea.
Plants were weighed on kitchen scale and then mixed together before storing in a mason jar. Prepared as a loose leaf tea. Add 1 Tablespoon and steep for 5 minutes. Dosage is 1 cup daily.
Dandelion Tea Blend by Brenna Hendrick